Environmental Policy
Our Environmental Policy recognises our responsibilities towards the environment and takes them seriously – identifying areas where we have an impact and setting targets for continually improving our performance. We will endeavour to ‘consume less, recycle more and dispose of sensitively’.

The Group are committed to continually improving our performance in the following areas:

  • Minimising our consumption of natural resources, including energy, water and other raw materials
  • Phasing out the use of ozone-depleting substances in our buildings
  • Reducing the waste we produce, encouraging recycling and minimising the use of landfill sites, while ensuring that we comply with all relevant legislation
  • Regularly reviewing our transport operations to improve efficiency and reduce their environmental impact
  • Liaising with suppliers to develop environmental best practice in the supply chain and promoting the recycling of raw materials
  • Encouraging our staff to support initiatives that affect the local, national or global environment in a positive way
  • Raising and maintaining staff awareness of this policy and ensuring that employees are engaged in supporting the resulting practices
  • Measuring, monitoring and reporting on the key aspects of our environmental performance and regularly reviewing our progress against targets

Health and safety policy statement

  • Our policy is to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, equipment, and systems of work for all our employees and trainees and to provide such information, training and supervision as they need for this purpose. We also accept responsibility for the health and safety of other people who may be affected by our activities.

The allocation of duties for safety matters and the particular arrangements which we will make to implement them are identified in the Health and Safety policy.

The policy will be kept up to date, particularly as the business changes in nature and size. To ensure this, the policy and the way in which it is operated will be reviewed every year.

Training department quality policy and strategy
This policy outlines the Training Department’s commitment to quality, how we will assure this and our strategy for implementation.

It is the policy of the department to continually assess ourselves and the services we offer to develop areas that require attention and maintain the high standard of training, support and professionalism delivered to our learners, employers, subcontractors and satellite centres.

We do this by monitoring trends in performance, self-assessment, customer feedback, staff requirements, resources and external organisation feedback.

The systems used to carry out the above can be found in the Training Department’s Quality Assurance Systems Procedures ISO9001. FEB 2009.

The policy, strategy and procedures for quality assurance are assessed and evaluated at Management Meetings using quantitate data and feedback from staff and customers. We outsource our training to Pitman Liverpool as per web link: http://liverpool.pitman-training.com/

Equal opportunities and diversity policy statement
Frigoré Ltd is an Equal Opportunity Organisation. In accordance with the statutory requirements laid down in the Race Relations Act 2000, the Sex Discrimination Acts 1975 and 1986, Equality Act 2010 and the Disability Discrimination Act 1995. Frigoré Ltd wholeheartedly supports the legislation aimed at combating and avoiding all forms of discrimination on the grounds of:

  • Sex / Sexual Orientation
  • Age
  • Marital Status
  • Disability
  • Creed
  • Colour
  • Race
  • Nationality
  • Ethnic/National Origin
  • Frigoré Ltd also actively discourages all forms of Bullying and Harassment.

It is the responsibility of the employers, staff, learners, placement providers and groups or organisations directly associated with Frigoré Ltd; first not to discriminate on the grounds referred to above; secondly to establish and maintain equality of opportunity in employment, especially with regards to Recruitment and Selection, Access to Permanent Employment and Training Assessment. Discriminatory practices are unlawful and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken if found to be evident.

Anti-Bribery Policy
It is our policy to conduct all of our business in an honest and ethical manner. We take a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption and are committed to acting professionally, fairly and with integrity in all our dealings wherever we operate. We are also committed to implementing and enforcing effective systems to counter bribery.

Who is covered by the policy?
This policy applies to all individuals working at all levels and grades, including senior managers, directors, employees (whether permanent, fixed-term or temporary), consultants, contractors, and any other person providing services to us.

What is a bribe?
A bribe is a financial or other advantage offered or given:

– To anyone to persuade them to or reward them for performing their duties improperly or;

– To any public official with the intention of influencing the official in the performance of his duties.

Gifts and Hospitality
This policy does not prohibit giving and receiving promotional gifts of low value and normal and appropriate hospitality. However, in certain circumstances, gifts and hospitality may amount to bribery and all employees must comply strictly with our ethics policy in respect of gifts and hospitality. We will not provide gifts or hospitality with the intention of persuading anyone to act improperly or to influence a public official in the performance of his duties.

Facilitation payments and kickbacks
We do not make, and will not accept, facilitation payments or “kickbacks” of any kind. Facilitation payments are typically small, unofficial payments made to secure or expedite a routine government action by a government official. Kickbacks are typically payments made in return for a business favour or advantage. All employees must avoid any activity that might lead to, or suggest, that a facilitation payment or kickback will be made or accepted by us.

We do not make contributions of any kind to political parties. No charitable donations will be made for the purpose of gaining any commercial advantage.

Record Keeping
We will keep financial records and have appropriate internal controls in place which will evidence the business reason for making any payments to third parties.

All expense claims relating to hospitality, gifts or expenses incurred to third parties must be submitted in accordance with our expenses policy and specifically record the reason for the expenditure.

All accounts, invoices, memoranda and other documents and records relating to dealings with third parties, such as clients, suppliers and business contacts, must be prepared and maintained with strict accuracy and completeness. No accounts must be kept “off-book” to facilitate or conceal improper payments.

Raising Concerns
Employees will be encouraged to raise concerns about any issue or suspicion of malpractice at the earliest possible stage. No employee will suffer any detriment as a result of raising genuine concerns about bribery, even if they turn out to be mistaken.

The effectiveness of this policy will be regularly reviewed by the Board. Internal control systems and procedures will be subject to audit under the internal audit process.

Employees/learners who consider that they are suffering from discriminatory treatment on any of the grounds mentioned above should make their complaint through the appropriate channels as outlined in the Contract of Employment and the Trainees Rules and Regulations.

The overall responsibility for monitoring the effectiveness of this policy and for implementing an ongoing programme of action to make the policy fully operative is vested in the Directors of Frigoré Ltd.